Diversity and
Inclusion policy.

As an individual and a business, I am committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as working towards eliminating and speaking up against discrimination.

I acknowledge and respect the diversity of all sections of society and am committed to providing an open, supportive and safe place to individual/s of any gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, and of the LGBTIQ+ community.

I endeavour to listen, learn and act to become an explicitly anti-racist organisation. I accept complete responsibility in undertaking my ongoing anti-racism work, which is always informed by the lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and BIPOC communities.

As an Australian-based business owner, I acknowledge that I receive unearned privilege as a result of the insidious and painful history of racism in Australia that originates from colonisation. I acknowledge that white supremacy continues to thrive in our institutions and communities today, and that I have a responsibility to work towards dismantling and challenging racism.

I have a zero-tolerance policy for any form of discriminatory behaviour or hate speech towards others. Should these behaviours occur within or towards members of the Gentle Living community, I will immediately enact removal and/or blocking of that individual from all Gentle Living platforms. In addition, if these behaviours occur during the provision of Gentle Living services, I reserve the right to discontinue services/support immediately.

I will not promote, speak or provide services to any brand/organisation/s that are discriminatory or not inclusive and supportive of individual/s of any gender identity, race, ethnicity, ability, the LGBTIQ+ community. Should I become aware of any such discriminatory behaviour within a brand/organisation/s, I reserve the right to discontinue and/or retract my services/support immediately.